domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

Festival B-Motion - Bassano del Grappa

28 ago 09 - 21.40 h
Teatro Remondini - Bassano del Grappa (Italia)
It’s the most innovative international scene, it goes far beyond language barriers to voice the daring forms of contemporary dance. A body which goes across the infinite tumults of the soul. A group of artists from all over the world. Enthralling, original, eclectic languages. Differing choreographic approaches, differing life experiences, differing political, artistic, social commitment. Private diaries penetrating through lights and shades of an increasingly unintelligible contemporary society. For a borderless geography of human feelings!
Winner of the XXII Certamen Coreográfico of Madrid, this piece is a concentrate of the work of two extraordinary dancers, able to manipulate and surprisingly reverse all the codes of contemporary dance. A handbook on acting the space which gets the audience enthralled thanks to the ability to show how much you can do even in an extremely limited time span.

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